
12th house astrology calculator
12th house astrology calculator

12th house astrology calculator

  • The native will be interested in meeting with God with the association of 5th, 9th, 10th and lords of ascendant.
  • It gives the record of spirituality in past births.
  • Neptune helps in knowing life after death.
  • It gives the purpose of the present birth.
  • Sun shows power and clear interests in thoughts.
  • Moon will help in attaining good control over mind.
  • Jupiter shows religion and actions of past births.
  • Ketu serves one's philosophical level therefore important in achieving salvation.
  • Saturn will give you what is required rather then what you need.
  • Saturn female natives are pessimistic.
  • They get attracted towards divorcees or widows. Male natives are religious and philosophical. They lose their partner early either by divorce or becoming a widow.
  • Ketu female natives are very independent and self-made.
  • They hate scolding and leave the place of conflicts. Male natives are very truthful and ethical. They tend to become an ideal wife and mother.
  • Jupiter female natives are very religious.
  • Male natives are good looking and easily make friends.

    12th house astrology calculator

    They make perfect mothers and gets irritated if husband disrespects. Sun female natives are popular, loyal and good-looking.They involve themselves into other's problems easily and help them out. Moon male natives are emotional, feminine and kind. Moon female natives are very beautiful and helpful.

    12th house astrology calculator

    It guides you in the journey to liberate. It plays an important role in the journey of human soul to salvation. The planet is spiritual thus adds to the level of Moksha Yoga in one's chart. Saturn too is related to salvation very importantly. Jupiter is the most significant among all. Jupiter, Moon, Sun, Uranus and Neptune are the planets which indicate the level of spirituality of the person. The 12th house in the natal chart shows how many births the soul has to take, the karmas and the life after death. 12th house represents salvation that is moksha. The 9th house represents spiritual knowledge and philosophy. The 5th house represents soul and power of the mind. The different associations of planets and houses form Moksha Yoga.

    12th house astrology calculator