Shaders are not recommended for Zoudyfault because they can slow down the game performance. This texture pack works very well in the latest Minecraft version 1.18, where you can enjoy all it has to offer. It has been recommended for kitpvp, bedwars, potpvp and many others.

To configure the Zoudyfault texture pack, the previous installation of Optifine is required to have a better experience. This is because they were made to optimize the game and thus improve its performance. The various changes and tweaks that Zoudyfault makes to the game make it run more smoothly.

This pack features excellent aesthetics, the outline is impressive, plus it features fast FPS and Keene’s Gaze. For which it would not have mattered how powerful the system was. Zoudyfault’s texture pack makes it run better than vanilla Minecraft, which is already a significant improvement. For this reason, the textures are not upgraded in Zoudyfault because if upgraded to 32x, it would have caused a drop in framerate. The package uses a 16x texture, and being a PvP focused texture, it is essential to the game’s performance.

The texture also includes other modifications such as a custom night sky and tools such as the design of swords, axes, and picks. Its design is structured on Minecraft’s default textures although it doesn’t bring anything innovative to vanilla, what little it brings is very good. The design of this pack was made exclusively to enhance the Minecraft PvP experience. This is only through the modification of armor textures and PvP weapons, in addition to other improvements. Texture changes in the Zoudyfault resource pack are related to the elements and combat. Weapons and armor have other textures and icons, plus new shields and stances. The images were not improved in this pack, but the elements and blocks are easier to differentiate and look smoother. Retrozynth is the creator of The Zoudyfault Resource Pack 1.20 → 1.19.4.